PMD Data Solutions

PMD Data Solutions

Barracuda Vulnerability Manager
Barracuda Vulnerability Manager

Discover your app vulnerabilities

Identify and fix website vulnerabilities — before hackers exploit them.

Vulnerabilities in your websites and other public-facing applications can lead to costly data breaches that disrupt your business operations and erode customer trust. There are hundreds of ways to bring down a website, hack into your data, and introduce malware into your network. In fact, more than 80 percent of websites have vulnerabilities that put businesses and data at risk.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Barracuda Vulnerability Manager is a free service that scans sites and applications in a single click. Just enter your website URL, and you’ll soon receive a report detailing all discovered vulnerabilities. You can then address the issues yourself, or you can load the report into a Barracuda Web Application Firewall solution and use our Vulnerability Remediation Service to automatically remediate them.

Detect many vulnerability types.

The Barracuda Vulnerability Manager is able to detect a wide variety of application security flaws, including all OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities (HTML Injection, SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, and Cross-Site Request Forgery), and many others, such as leakage of sensitive data. See a list of the major vulnerability types that BVM finds.

It’s a non-invasive, cloud-based tool, with no impact on your operations. Use it as often as you like, at no cost. The detailed output of the scan lists all vulnerabilities discovered, ranks them from most to least critical, and provides additional insights to help you address them.


Stay protected with Barracuda WAF solutions.

Barracuda Vulnerability Remediation Service is available as a feature of any Barracuda WAF solution. It builds on the detection technology of the Vulnerability Manager, and lets you automatically fix web application vulnerabilities with just a few clicks. By eliminating costly, time-consuming, and error-prone manual security audits, the Vulnerability Remediation Service accelerates and streamlines your application development cycles. You can easily configure it to run automatic and on-demand scans when new code is developed, automating your security processes and ensuring ongoing protection against newly discovered vulnerabilities.